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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Study of factors influencing the number of dairy cows in Bulgaria
Vasil Stoychev
Резюме: The study aims to show the factors influencing the number of dairy cows after joining the EU. The number of dairy cows is used as an indicator for development of dairy farms. It also examines the impact of national support and specific support schemes. It includes payments support and specific support schemes oriented to cattle. The survey results show that at present correlation between the increase of payments and increase in the number of animals is insignificant. Other factors are considered influencing the competitiveness of dairy farms as the price of raw milk and cows’ output. The process of restructuring of the dairy farms is reviewed and is proposed to focus on changing the market of raw milk through the creation of producer organizations.
Ключови думи: dairy caws; domestic payments; small farms; specifc schemes to support
Дата на публикуване: 2017-10-03
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