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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Impact of Investment Support and Activity on Farms Economic Performance in Bulgaria
Dimitre Nikolov, Minka Anastasova-Chopeva
Резюме: Support for investment in agricultural holdings – an undivided part of the Common Agricultural Policy. During 2015–2016 IAE developed scientific project “Impact of investment support on the economic viability of farms”. One of the aims of the project was to quantification of this influence and to prepare ex-post and ex-ante analysis. Investment aid cover part of the total cost of the programs related to investment activities in a farm. Support for investment in Europe is priority since the Treaty of Rome in 1957. EU member states under Regulation 1257/1999 and 1698/2005 may include support for investment in its plans for rural development. The objectives of investment support are different in different stages of development of the CAP. Since 2000, especially in 2014–2020 investment support aims at building high-performance farms in the sustainable management of resources and reduce environmental risks. The aim of this paper is to present the results from the analysis of the investment support and activity impact on farms’ economic performance.
Ключови думи: CAP; economic efficiency; farms; investment support
Дата на публикуване: 2017-10-25
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