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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Risk Assessment of the Impact of Natural Disasters in Rural Areas and Application of the CostBenefit Analysis
Stefan Damyanov Petrov
Резюме: In the last decade, the issue of implementing adequate approach for managing the risk of natural disasters has become a serious concern. The financial resources needed for the renewal the damages of the weather and climate change events are limited. However, the evaluation methodology applied for assessment of the different types of risk is general not specified for agriculture sector. The agriculture sector is very sensitive to increase of the average temperature and rainfalls, also. The climate change impacts on the productivity, yield and on income of agricultural holdings. The main purpose of the report is to identify the key issues concern to the quantitative assessments of the disasters risk. The Public authorities following the EU conception for climate change adaptation and there are official documents and guidelines for risk management of the floods and other disasters. The guidelines consist of different measures sure for prevention of the negative climate change consequences. The selection of the package of measures implied at local level is defined by the needs of population, business structures and probability of risk events. The analysis cost–benefit could be used for assessment of the options for mitigation of the risks. The funding is not enough to assess the social and economic impact at different levels. This paper reviews key, commonly accepted, approaches to systematizing risk management measures included in national guidelines and catalogues, and comments on the difficulties that arise when applying the Cost–benefit Analysis for their assessment. The different approaches for systematizing the measures for risk assessment, which are included in national documents, are reviewed. Additionally the good practice in risk assessment of climate change negative impacts is outlined.
Ключови думи: cost-benefit analysis; risk management; rural areas; vulnerable sectors
Дата на публикуване: 2018-01-31
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