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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
Array ( [session_started] => 1733246659 [LANGUAGE] => BG [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Potential Economic Impact of the Changes in the Common Agricultural Policy in the 2014-2020 Programming Period on Bulgarian Agriculture
Резюме: Bulgaria’s agriculture was adversely affected by the economic transition of the country after 1989. The way the reforms in the sector were implemented failed to provide the necessary stimulus to its recovery and slowed its transformation to competitive and market oriented economic sphere. Against this background, the accession of Bulgaria to the EU has had a substantial contribution to the revival of agriculture in the country. The financial support granted to Bulgarian farmers by the SAPARD programme and the EU agriculture funds in the period 2007-2013 has significantly accelerated the development of some subsectors. Moreover, it has contributed to their modernization and made them more competitive. As a result, these segments have strengthened their position as one of the most dynamic economic spheres in Bulgaria which play an essential role in improving the living conditions in rural areas. As we approach the
2014-2020 programming period, the topic of the new focus of the CAP and its impact on Bulgarian agriculture is becoming more relevant as the future of the sector relies heavily on the priorities of the EU in this sphere. The numerous changes and the introduction of new requirements for obtaining EU agriculture grants will definitely pose a serious challenge to Bulgarian producers. The objective of this article is to analyze the main reforms in the implementation of the CAP in the 2014-2020 programming period and their effect on the development of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria.
Ключови думи: CAP implementation in Bulgaria; EU agricultural policy; impact on Bulgarian farmers
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-30
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