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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Economic evaluation of different systems to control sobole weeds in growing cereals
E. Vidinova, I. Stoimenova
Резюме: The changes in methods to control weeds and generally in technology for the growing crops and lead to a change in weed vegetation. They are expressed mainly in the displacement of less fit and slowly adapt to new technologies, types of weeds resistant and supple. The strong contamination of arable land with root and sobole weeds in recent years has led to reduced yields of crops. The aim of the study is to undertake an economic assessment of different options against sobole weeds in cereal crops on Haplic Vertisol. The experience is displayed in the 2007/2010 year crop rotation with barley, wheat and triticale in place of the practice field s. Bozhurishte, Sofia, growing on Haplic Vertisol. Options are explored and integrated mechanical weed control. The economic evaluation of the variants shows that fighting sobole weeds in cereals is difficult and expensive activity. The use of a vegetation herbicide „Lintur” increases the production costs of barley without any apparent herbicide effect on sobole weeds. Well the implemented control sobole weeds after the harvest of its predecessor and use of a herbicide mixture of mixed type of a contamination after sowing of the crop and crop germination jointly it does not require the use of „Lintur”. The application of a vegetation herbicide „mustang” increases the production costs, has a relatively strong herbicide effect on sobole weeds but insufficient from the economic point of view. Well the implemented control sobole weeds after the harvest of the predecessor the wheat and the triticale proved sufficient and does not require the use „Mustang” in the vegetation.
Ключови думи: cereals; control weeds; economic evaluation; sobole weeds
Дата на публикуване: 2018-02-15
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