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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Aims and priorities of Bulgarian agricultural policy in the period 2014-2020
Резюме: The program period 2014-2020 for the CAP implementation offers for Bulgaria new opportunities as well as serious challenges for its agriculture development. The analysis of the sector state, as a base for politic priorities formulation, indicates in general a low level stabilization of agricultural production, along with the expressed unbalanced development. The agricultural support (SAP) organization is favorable for the big grain-producing and oilseeds farms and underlines the week competitiveness of milk livestock breeding, vegetable and fruit production. At the same time the comparative analysis proves that Bulgarian agriculture uses insufficiently the available production resources (land, labour, capital), in result of which produces twice less output per agricultural area unit. Agricultural policy priorities of Bulgaria have to be realized within the CAP goals for the mentioned period, which are the following: creation of conditions for a viable agricultural production; sustainable management of natural resources and of activities related to climate changes; contribution for balanced territorial development. They must be within CAP and give solution of specific for the country problems. From this point of view in the report have been formulated vision, aim, priorities and activities of agricultural policy. The purpose definition is “Reaching of food safety for the population and increase of the well-being of producers in conditions of sustainable production”. This goal requires realization of Bulgarian agriculture and food-processing sector potentials through building of viable farms and enterprises, more complete use of production factors (land, labour,capital) and quality production with high value added. For the realization of the formulated target were defined certain political priorities and respective activities, grouped in several areas: creation of viable and competitive agricultural production, including balanced development of agriculture; consolidation of the land property and rationalization of land use; competitiveness increase of agricultural farms and food sector enterprises; guaranty of fair level of farm incomes; stimulation of knowledge and innovations transfer in agriculture, including measures for increase of education and qualification training of employed in agriculture; development of the system of dissemination of knowledge and consulting services; scientific researches development; sustainable management of natural resources and activities, related to climatic changes; integration of agricultural producers in food chain by market access improving and local markets and regional products development; products development and increase of products having high added value in the food industry.
Ключови думи: CAP of Bulgaria 2014-2020; challenges; opportunities; priorities; targets
Дата на публикуване: 2018-02-21
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