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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Organizational and economic structure of a regional peanut cluster
S. Georgiev, N. Bencheva
Резюме: The article presents results of the analysis and authors’ evaluation of the ability to unite in a cluster of companies engaged in production, processing and marketing of peanuts in the country. Furthermore, it is indicated research institutes that serve scientific production and processing of peanuts, and universities for training of specialists in the agricultural production and food technology. The analyses and studies have shown that the composition of regional peanut cluster could be involved the following categories of actors: • Producers - companies producing all categories of peanut seeds- basic and certified and firms producing nuts for consumption and processing. • Processors - manufacturing enterprises or companies that process the kernel in consumer products. • Traders - firms engaged in selling their produce through marketing and advertising for the cluster. The first level of the cluster is formed by leading companies with large manufacturing and financial capacity. These are major companies in both directions – producers and processors around which other companies performing related or complementary activities are united. The second level comprises service companies and institutions that supply the producers with the necessary inputs (seeds, fertilizers, herbicides, etc.). At this level belongs and support companies and institutions - banks and other credit institutions - local and international, providing funds to carry out their production programs. At the local level to supporting firms they relate and municipalities and the union of peanut producers, research institutes and universities; at the national level – Government and Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The third level is formed by the seed producing companies (producers) and the specialized and accredited laboratories which develop new or adapt foreign technology to manufacture products from peanuts (processors). The fourth level are the companies that produce kernels for processing - (producers) and companies that process the kernel in various types of products (processors). The fifth level are commercial companies (domestic and international), that made the realization of production through marketing and advertising for the cluster. Within the cluster the participants must have a strong connection and appropriate communication, and to place strict controls in order to remove all admitted weaknesses and errors occurred in the technology of production and processing.
Ключови думи: cluster; levels in the structure; organization; peanuts; structure
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-06
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