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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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State of the art, problems and efficiency of the Bulgarian agricultural farms under the CAP conditions
S. Todorova, P. Pochaleev
Резюме: Using chi-squared analysis, are calculated statistical averages, to show the relationship between the organizational-production form of holdings and the extent of their alignment to the requirements of the CAP and the connection between the level of awareness and the level of implementation of the requirements. One of the main problems faced by farmers in implementation of these requirements is the lack of sufficient financial support and bureaucracy. A characteristic feature is also relatively weak activity of agricultural holdings in applying a measure of the Program for the Development of Rural areas in 55.38 per cent of holdings are not applied to the time on any of the measures. One of the main reasons for this low activity has poor awareness of owners of these farms and the inflexibility procedures. Influence of the accession of Bulgaria to the EU on the functioning of the agricultural holdings is traced and by calculation and tracking of the amendment to the economic efficiency of agricultural holdings with different production specialization, using model of Cobb-Douglas production function. A large part of the holdings are adopted and applied strategy of survival, and not the development of a particular specialization. They do not seek to maximize the profit, and as soon as possible to minimize the risk by exercise of the different types of employment.
Ключови думи: agricultural producers; awareness; CAP; Cobb-Douglas production function; economic efficiency; requirements; specialization
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-30
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