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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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The Romanian Grain Market: A Complete Analysis of the Evolution and Current State
Lăcrămioara Alina Drăcea
Резюме: The grain market in Romania comprises a variety of products, identical to those found on the world market. However, the Romanian grain trading system is undergoing a remarkable evolutionary change, the dimensions of which are unprecedented.
Romania’s main cereal crop is maize, which accounts for more than half of national production. Of the rest, 40% goes to wheat and barley, and the last part brings together cereals grown in smaller quantities, such as rye, oats and rice.
The main objective of the paper is to study the mechanism of the cereal market, as well as to identify priority directions for improving this sector, the need to develop agricultural markets at regional level, being a response to the new challenges of the external economic environment.
Therefore, the aim of the paper is to develop recommendations on optimising grain production and sales efficiency based on the analysis of the current situation and identifying trends in agricultural development in the regions of Romania and includes quantitative research methods such as data analysis and observation by analyzing the current situation of grain market.
Ключови думи: average consumption; cultivated area; grain; price; production; trade balance
Дата на публикуване: 2021-01-04
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