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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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The Bulgarian Model of Land Use and Land Ownership: White Space Phenomenon and Property Rights
Angel Sarov
Резюме: The aim of this paper is to highlight the phenomenon of “white space” in the Bulgarian model of land tenure and land use, as a result of land reforms in Bulgaria. Based on reg-ression analysis, the relationship between the change in the average rent of “white space” and the average rent on the land is checked. It is concluded that the average rent of “white space” follows the change in the average rent, but with a delay, which in turn is
a prerequisite for dissatisfaction of some owners. The phenomenon of “white space”, as a result of the “formal rules” of the institutional environment, protects the interests of agricultural landowners.
Ключови думи: land ownership; property rights; white space
Дата на публикуване: 2021-06-25
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