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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Approach for determining the representativeness of a sample in a study
Angel Sarov
Резюме: Very often in research, as a methodological approach for the analysis of certain criteria, the research method is applied. After analyzing the survey and evaluating the relevant indicators, the question arises about the representativeness of the sample and whether the obtained average value coincides with the average for the general population. In statistics, methods have been developed that allow with the help of probabilistic rules to draw conclusions for the entire population.
This article tests an approach to determining the representativeness of a sample in a study. This is achieved by extrapolating the sample to a more general conclusion for the whole population.
The proposed methodology for determining the representativeness of a sample in the survey showed its applicability. The approach allows the reproduction of the representativeness of the results of the general population in establishing the managerial sustainability of agricultural holdings.
Ключови думи: governance sustainability assessment; methodology; sample representativeness survey
Дата на публикуване: 2021-10-15
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