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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
Array ( [session_started] => 1727408496 [LANGUAGE] => BG [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Some Main Problems in Forage Production for Ruminant Husbandry
Резюме: Placing effective forage production in the basis of competitiveness of the animal products the article has done a review of the problems in forage production for ruminant husbandry considering objective as well as subjective reasons leaded to contemporary negative parameters of the relationship forage ¦ animal husbandry. The disproportion reflected on negative economic results is presented: bad structured, fractured and inefficient, notcoordinated with the size, structure and market of animal products forage sector transferring its problems into hardly surviving having not-balanced structure according to animal needs forage base, pressed by outer, inner and economic-market pressure ruminants husbandry. The planning of well sixed, structured and located according to agro technical requirements of the crops forage production matching bred and size of livestock provided is the basis of effective production of both of them: forage and animal production. In this sense the author concludes that the unsolved land relationships, decreased technological base and organization and management of the production processes of the sector together with institutional and politics problems pursuing unconnected state policy in the agriculture are the key to establishment of the modern and effective relation forages ¦ animal production and achievement of its great competitive positions of the both of these sub branches.
Ключови думи: husbandry and perspectives; problems forage production; ruminants
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-03
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