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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
Array ( [session_started] => 1727408466 [LANGUAGE] => BG [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Mountain Areas in Bulgaria Policy, Problems and Opportunities for Development of Agriculture
Резюме: The mountain areas in Bulgaria are still in isolation from the processes of social-economic development and remain in the periphery of the European integration of the country. The agriculture and the activities related to it are a key factor for the economy of mountain regions and for the land utilization, and require special attention as specific kind less favored areas. The aim of the article is to work out basic suggestions for measures, concerning the development of the agricultural production in the mountain regions of Bulgaria, for the needs of a result – oriented policy and legal regulation of adequated and substantiated support. For the achievement of this goal, are studied the European and national policies for the mountain regions, analyzing the main issues and possibilities for the development of the agricultural branch in these regions. A special attention is paid to agriculture in mountainous region through the achievement of own investigations and observations in the Central Rodopes area. Agriculture in the mountain regions is multifunctional, including economic, ecological and socio-cultural aspects.The possibilities for agricultural development in the mountain regions are closely related with the more active European and national policy on one side, and with the natural conditions for production of bio and high quality food products on the other. Based on the study, are worked out suggestions for the further development of agriculture in the mountain regions in the following directions: general measures for development of the mountain regions, measures for the preparation and development of the human resourse and direct measures to agriculture.
Ключови думи: agriculture; Bulgaria land utilization and require special attention to the issues of this kind less favored areas; EC; mountain regions; policy
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-04
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