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Articles by keyword
Volume 65, No 2, 2020
- Opportunities and Challenges in Some Sectors of Bulgarian Agriculture within Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (Beef and Poultry Sectors)
Dilyana Mitova
2020-06-05 Volume 64, No 2, 2019
- Young Farmers and New Entrants in Bulgarian Agriculture - Profiling their Challenges and Needs
Petar Borisov, Teodor Radev, Dimitre Nikolov
2019-07-11 Volume 61, No 1, 2016
- Challenges for the governance of agricultural cooperatives in Bulgaria
Angel Sarov, Ivan Boevsky
2017-10-09 Volume 60, No 4, 2015
- Challenges associated with the development of vegetable production in Bulgaria after the EU enlargement
Teodora Stoeva
2017-10-09 Volume 60, No 2, 2015
- Opportunities and challenges in some sectors of Bulgarian agriculture within Transatlantic Partnership for Trade and Investment
Dilyana Mitova
2017-10-04 Volume 59, No 4, 2014
- Challenges associated with the development of vegetable production in Bulgaria after the EU enlargement
Teodora Stoeva
2017-10-03 Volume 58, No 5-6, 2013
- Aims and priorities of Bulgarian agricultural policy in the period 2014-2020
2018-02-21 Volume 56, No 3-4, 2011
- The EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 - new challenges
A. Kowalski