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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Analysis of vulnerable sectors in Bulgarian agriculture. Part II
Nina Koteva, Dimitre Nikolov, Minka Anastassova-Chopeva, Petar Kirovski, Mimoza Mladenova
Abstract: Within EU CAO 2007–2013 lot of agricultural sectors – fruits and vegetables, bovine and ovine sectors, where Bulgaria has had competitive advantages, show trend to drastic drop of the output, so the country is in transformation from net exporter to importer of these products. The SAPS implementation has deepened the unfavorable structural trends. The indicated sectors were declared as vulnerable. Within the new CAP 2014–2020 a support for the vulnerable sectors will be implemented, coupled with the production. This fact imposes a profound analysis of ongoing structural changes in these sectors for the right and equitable distribution of the support. In this relation the goal of the article is to make analysis and assessment of the state and opportunities for vulnerable sectors development in agriculture. Wide range of actual methods has been used: system and comparative analysis; estimate-constructive; method of statistical groupings; inductive and deductive methods for analysis and formation of generalizations and recommendations. The research is elaborated on the base of offcial statistical information (National Statistical Institute, MAF and EUROSTAT) and includes the period 2000–2013. The analysis is based on a system of valuable and natural economic indicators. The article contains the results of the overall research of vulnerable sectors:
• Production, products and market changes;
• Economic state of farms;
• Trends in restructuring of small farms.
Keywords: agriculture; farms; product and market development; vulnerable sectors
Date published: 2017-10-04
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