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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Factors determining the tendency of farmers to invest on the farm tractor market
M. Dudek
Abstract: The article presents selected factors determining the tendency of farmers to invest on the farm tractor market. It was determined that over the analyzed period the demand for new tractors depended on state aid and the form of regulations of agricultural policy instruments. At the level of individual farms the intention to purchase this type of machines concerned 9% of subjects. Of the selected variables, investment decisions were most influenced by: an assessment of the subject concerning the development capabilities of the farm, the scale of commodity production, the level of equipping with machines and devices and agricultural land area. The source of data was the information included in the studies of IAFE-NRI concerning the market of agricultural inputs and services, as well as the results of panel research carried out by ZPSiR, IAFE-NRI on the sample of 3,705 farm owners.
Keywords: commodity production; farm; farm machines; rural areas
Date published: 2018-01-31
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