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Business Process Management in the peanut cluster
S. Georgiev, N. Bencheva
Abstract: The goals of this paper are: based on the methodological requirements of the criteria, principles and approaches to develop a proper management scheme of business processes in the peanut cluster of a vertical type: • Business processes in the cluster to be presented as related technological processes that reflect interactions among participating companies and also between cluster management and research institutes and universities in the region and • To present a sample work program for the resources of the cluster. Main criteria, approaches and principles of management theory are used in the study as well as the results of scientific work on the management of business processes, including analysis of management and the performance of forecasts for the future development of clusters. The results show that the proposed scheme for business process management in the peanut cluster ensures the production of high quality, competitive products and services, reduced costs, faster transfer of research results in adaptive changes in the market conditions. The proposed scheme for the management of business processes in the peanut cluster includes a concept development, which includes: strategic, tactical and operational goals and objectives, work programs of the individual members, research programs to develop new varieties, technologies and products from peanuts, selection of managers and specialists in accordance with the goals and directions of development of the business processes in the cluster, the coordination of all business processes, monitoring of factors in the internal and external environment and analyze the performance of the cluster and finally the development of forecasts based on the results. The sequence of the stages of business process management provides the necessary organizational conditions for effective implementation of all stages of development, production and marketing of output. In business process management in the cluster is reported the whole complex of organizational, technical, technological and economic factors for effective implementation of processes for production and marketing of peanuts and peanut products. The proposed work program of the cluster for the period 2011-2020 includes the types, quantity and quality of the resources combined into groups as follows: • Arable land, water supplies, crop rotations, buildings and facilities, roads, canals and small dams for groundwater wells, available grounds and other facilities; • Technical equipment of the cluster with the necessary tractors, agricultural and transport machinery, as well as machines for cleaning and preparation of production. The necessary pieces based on modular units of 500 acres are indicated; • Technological provision of cluster varieties, seeds, fertilizers and chemicals and technologies for production of seeds, nuts and processing of products from peanuts; • Companies and factories for the production of peanut products. The number and type of work units in the cluster depends on the type of products and technology of their production; • Regarding the management of the cluster are developed strategic planning and relationships between partners and human resources; • The implementation of production-seeds, nut for processing and peanut products was developed in the section on „Marketing and trade” of peanut cluster products; • Business process management in R & D cluster was developed in the „Directions, aims and objectives of the breeding of peanuts in the cluster,” which reflected the participation of research institutes and the Agricultural University in the central southern region.
Keywords: business processes; cluster; management; peanuts
Date published: 2018-02-21
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