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Trends in the development of tourism in the rural areas of Bulgaria and the EU
Bojidar Ivanov, Hrabrin Bachev, Dilyana Mitova, Daniela Dimitrova, Vasil Stoychev
Abstract: Rural areas in Bulgaria, organized within the national definition, in 2012 occupy 81% of the territory and 39% of the population. The agricultural sector has a high share in generated gross value added and in the employment in rural communities. Local economy is poorly diversified, which determines low incomes, while the level of unemployment is high. Bulgaria is one of the countries with the highest percentage of the population in rural areas at risk of poverty and social exclusion within the EU-28. Our country has great potential for tourism development, as a diversifying rural economy activity, based on the wide variety of natural resources, folklore, the rich local cuisine, customs and crafts, authentic traditions and opportunities for the development of accommodation facilities. The aim of the present study is to identify and compare the trends in tourism development in the rural regions of Bulgaria to the overall dynamics for the EU-28, to highlight the challenges and outline the opportunities for realization of sustainable tourism. The data from the comparative analysis show that the development of tourism in rural areas in our country followed the overall positive development direction for the EU Member States - the capacity of the accommodation base was expanding, the number of overnight stays increased, but foreign tourists were directed mainly towards areas with developed sea or ski tourism. Attracting a large number of foreign visitors in areas outside those of mass tourism is directly related to the ability to form specific to each area and complex tourism product, its strategic positioning and promotion. Realizing synergies in the economic, environmental and social aspects of rural tourism development is related to the implementation of appropriate policies and the creation of business initiatives that will lead to a change in consumer attitudes and the promotion of sustainable patterns of consumption.
Keywords: EU-28; rural areas; sustainability; tendencies; tourism
Date published: 2018-06-18
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