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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Trends and spatial differences in the change of the age structure of a population in rural areas
Rositza Mikova
Abstract: The trends in the change in the age structure of the population of the rural areas in Bulgaria during the period 2011 – 2021 have been examined. The approach used is based on a methodology for typology in determining urban/rural municipalities according to Ordinance № 14/04/01/2003 of the MAF and MDPW. In Bulgaria, 232 municipalities are identified as rural areas, and 33 as urban municipalities. To assess the age structure of the population in rural areas in our country, a set of indicators are used, which are part of the demographic statistics of NSI, namely: relative share of the population aged 0 – 14 years and relative share of the population aged 65 years and over; integral coefficient of structural changes, age dependency ratio and demographic substitution coefficient; while a comparative analysis was made in spatial and temporal aspect. Factors have been identified that led to the deterioration of the age structure of the population in rural areas in recent decades.
The types of age structure of the population in rural areas, according to the classification by Mladenov (2019). A total aging of the population in rural municipalities has been established, with 63.4% of them having a very old age structure, which is due to negative natural growth and migration. The risk of depopulation of large areas in rural areas is increasing, with the least populated areas (villages and small towns) being the most affected. Based on the analysis, relevant suggestions and guidelines are given for improving the demographic situation in rural areas.
Keywords: age dependency ratio; age structure; aging; demographic substitution coefficient; population; population pyramid; rural areas
Date published: 2023-12-22
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