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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Non-material Capital and How it Helps if Overcome the Crises
Abstract: This paper treats the problems of reproduction of nonmaterial capital, their relations and ratios to the material one. The separation of non-materials capital supposes the existence of human knowledge. Since the knowledge’s cannot be valued, there is a specific approach according to which the National Accounting System values the existing and new non-material capital such as the value of patents, licenses, technological know-how. Accordingly, the value of the non-material capital in stock is accounted through the method of constant inventarization, while taking in mind its increment and amortization. In general, whit is unders6tood under non-material capital is human knowledge and accordingly the human way of processing of information accordingly induction and deduction.
Keywords: knowhow; licenses; non-material capital; patents
Date published: 2024-09-04
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