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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
Array ( [session_started] => 1726124034 [LANGUAGE] => EN [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Vision of Agricultural Farms
Abstract: In the article we analyze the vision of the agricultural enterprises and determine the impact of the introduction of the different kinds of payments upon their vision. Characterizing initially the vision, we emphasize on its significance for the future sustainable development of the companies / enterprises. As there is still not a united scientific opinion on the topic of the precise definition of the vision category, we give the components of sustainability and answer the question: “Why is it extremely necessary in conditions of instability and turbulence?” Analyzing the agricultural enterprises we reach the conclusion that they still have no vision, but the various kinds of payments, being still at the initial point of application at the moment of the inquiries’ achievement have an initial optimistic effect on the ideas and expectations of the agriculture producers, referring their future.
Keywords: agriculture enterprises; Bulgaria; strategic management; vision
Date published: 2024-09-05
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