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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Comparative Economic Evaluation of New Varieties of Lettuce
Abstract: In Bulgaria lettuce is widely cultivated culture. Significant part of national production is been cultivated under plastic tunnels. An important role in the choice of variety has the quality of production according to the market requirements and the opportunity to be achieved a high level of rent ability of production. The purpose of this research is to be executed a comparative economic evaluation of new varieties of lettuce and according to the results to be recommended to the practice these varieties which have the best quality and economic efficiency. The comparative evaluation is based on biological and economic features of the varieties. Productivity and cold resistance of the variety defines mostly the yields. Evaluation of economic features of the varieties of lettuce is conducted by using the following indicators – mass of plant (g), cold resistance (% of plants left after winter cold), yield – number of plants/da and kg/da, relative yield (%). The comparative economic evaluation is executed by using the following criteria – yields (kg/da), production costs (BGN/da), net income (BGN/da), cost-price (BGN/kg) and rent ability (%). Every variety is ranged in low order according to the above mentioned criteria. Vital influence on the productivity of the lettuce has mass of the plant and its cold resistance. The results shows that variety Sangio has the biggest mass of the plant – 163.4 g and variety Nuwary has the least – 93,9 g. The highest yields are reported from plant of variety Sangio – 2215.7 kg/da and Bacio – 2040 kg/da. According to the comparative economic evolution and examined quality features of the lettuce varieties we recommended to the business the following varieties: Basio, Lobi and Sangio.
Keywords: biological and economic features; comparative economical evaluation; productivity; varieties of Lettuce
Date published: 2024-09-05
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