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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Implementation and Continuation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) among Fruits Vegetable Farmers in Kegalle District in Sri Lanka
D. A. Abeygunasekara, P. H. S. Malkanthiorcid, L. M. D. K. Piyasena
Abstract: Since 2015, Sri Lanka has implemented the SL-GAP certification for food safety and quality, but progress has been slow, particularly in farmer adaptation and recertification. This research in the Kegalle district aimed to identify factors influencing SL-GAP’s success, and assess GAP awareness, satisfaction with extension programs, and challenges faced by SL-GAP-certified farmers. The study sampled 50 GAP-adopted and 50 non-adopted farmers using purposive sampling, collecting data from March to April 2022 via questionnaires and structured interviews. The analysis employed descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test, and Binary Logistic Regression. Results showed that extension officer contact, farming experience, government funding, GAP training, and internet access significantly influenced SL-GAP adoption. GAP-adopted farmers were fully aware of site management, irrigation, fertilizer application, storage, and pest control, but less aware of quality management, postharvest practices, worker welfare, record keeping, and traceability. Non-adopted farmers had varying awareness across GAP standards. Major constraints for SL-GAP-certified farmers included a lack of premium prices, inadequate marketing channels, high production costs, and fertilizer shortages. GAP adopters expressed higher satisfaction with extension programs, particularly farm visits, field days, and informational materials. The study concluded that more frequent contact and GAP training are essential. It recommended government provision of necessary inputs and tailored funding programs. Enhanced farmer support and training are crucial for the successful implementation of the SL-GAP program in Kegalle.
Keywords: adopted farmers; awareness; constraint; Good Agricultural Practices (GAP); non-adopted farmers; satisfaction
Citation: Abeygunasekara, A. D., Malkanthi, S. H. P. and Piyasena, K. D. M. L. (2024). Implementation and Continuation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) among Fruits & Vegetable Farmers in Kegalle District in Sri Lanka. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management, 69(3) 60-69.
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Date published: 2024-09-30
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