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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Vulnerable sectors in Bulgarian agriculture: CAP 2007-2013 impact
Plamena Yovchevska
Резюме: This article aims to register some results from the implementation of the first program and budget period of CAP in Bulgaria and the manifestation of the so called “vulnerable sectors”. Despite the general positive impact of CAP 2007–2013 on the economic environment in sector “Agriculture” there are registered essential structural changes on subsector and sector level. Object of analysis are the occurred missbalances in the primary sector and particularly in subsector “Livestock breeding”, in the sections “Perennial fruits and strawberries” and “Vegetables”. The total output is the valuable economic indicator, which estimates big production decrease. The livestock breeding, the production of fruits and vegetables are classified as vulnerable/sensible and they will be supported purposefully in the new CAP 2014+ period. Bulgaria has comparative advantages and unique agro-ecological conditions for these productions, so they need support through all eligible schemes and measures. The synergic opportunities of the complex support in the current program period will lead to overcoming of a part of registered missbalances in Bulgarian agriculture and to production stabilization of the so called “vulnerable sectors”.
Ключови думи: CAP 2007-2013; CAP 2014; vulnerable sectors
Дата на публикуване: 2017-08-16
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