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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Resource capacity of farms
Nina Koteva
Резюме: The target of the article is to made analysis of farms’ capacity in relation to production factors – land, labour and capital, and to outline the main problems. On the base of the led qualitative and quantitative analysis of resource capacity the following main conclusions: Good quantitative capacity of farms regarding the labour resources and decreasing trend of employment diminution in agriculture; Maintaining of the predominant share of workforce employment in small and small farms; Keeping of the extremely unfavourable workforce structure per age and education level; Good capacity of land resources in farms, but the distribution of areas, according the management forms, shows a preponderance of leased land and insignificant share of irrigated areas, which are restrictive factors for a modern and more effective production; Low capital security and predominating extensive production. There is a necessity of improving of human potential quality and increase of capital security for the more complete resource use, which could lead to higher productivity and profitability. The result will be a better farms adaptation to the changes of natural, institutional and market environment, which will lead to increase of their capacity of new business opportunities, innovative production practices implementation and improvement of competitive positions of farms on the Common European market.
Ключови думи: capital; farms; labour force; land; resource capacity
Дата на публикуване: 2018-01-31
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