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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Development of organizational and economic structure of Bulgarian agriculture
Nina Koteva
Резюме: The research aim is to made analysis and assessment of currant organizational and economic restructuring of agriculture and to outline the main trends, according thef different farm types. The research includes the general changes of the organization and economic structure and the changes per different farm types. The current farm restructuring analysis and estimation include the dynamic of farms number and average size, their market orientation, production specialization and concentration and their economic potential. As a result of the analysis have been outlined general conclusions for Bulgarian agriculture’s economic and organization structure: • Sustainable trend to decrease of agricultural holdings number, as this process is more dynamic for the small farms. But the ongoing restructuring does not lead to signifcant changes of organization and economic structure - the predominant share of small farms maintains and the big economic units are few; • The irrational organization and economic structure of agriculture maintains. The bipolar model of farms structure deepens - increase of the differentiation between the small family farms and the gross farms, owned by legal entities; • Positive trend to size consolidation, increase of production specialization and concentration levels, improving of farms market orientation; • Keeping of low average economic size and signifcant difference between farm types, according their specialization; • Poor farm diversifcation to other non-agricultural activities; the outlines trend to diversification level decrease leads to restricted opportunity to revenues increase and risk of incomes instability.
Ключови думи: diversifcation; economic potential; market orientation; specialization; structure of Bulgarian agriculture; types of farms
Дата на публикуване: 2017-10-03
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