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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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The Role of Small Farms in the Conditions of European Integration
N. Koteva, M. Anastasova-Chopeva
Резюме: The objective of the article is to highlight some definitions and the related criteria, defining small farms, to indicate structural changes in these farms in the last years, to estimate their economic situation and define their chances for future development in the conditions of CAP of EU. The following scientific methods have been used in the research: comparative analysis, method of statistical groupings, inquiry method, method of production function etc. The study shows that at the moment small farms manage to preserve their socio-economic role and importance for the development of agriculture and rural areas in Bulgaria and EU, although they have been reduced, and despite the serious problems they are facing: - They assist the sustainable and integrated development of rural areas; - They play essential social role supporting households’ incomes; - They play an important role in agricultural lands’ management, environmental protection, biodiversity and landscape. As a result of the analysis that was carried out, a conclusion can be made that the measures and mechanisms of CAP of EU do not support efficiently the development of small farms, do not respond to their needs and possibilities regarding pre-structuring, innovation, human potential development etc. In conclusion, the policy of EU and our national position towards small farms should be expressed clearly. They should not be perceived as an impediment to competitiveness increase of agriculture, but the accent should be on their role for supplying with public goods. Policy should be directed to serious support for small farms in the integrated development of rural areas.
Ключови думи: CAP support; economic situation; economic size; production function; small farms
Дата на публикуване: 2018-02-07
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