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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Effects of Application of the CAP on Development of Bulgarian Vegetables
P. Kirovsky
Резюме: The aim of this paper is to assess the development of the vegetable industry led under the influence of the CAP. In dynamics are tracked main production indicators, species composition, number and average size of farms involved in production of vegetables. Based on existing legislation reflected the basic support mechanisms and their impact on the CAP conducted. The main conclusions of the realized effect of CAP on Bulgarian led vegetables are associated with continuing deterioration of sustainable production indicators. The level of average yields is significantly lower than that achieved in other member states. These findings are strongly supported by evidence of worsening imbalance between production and consumption, trade balance data for trade in vegetables. Support of SAPS and NP is not related to the intensity of production of vegetable farms and variable costs of production. The level of assistance under this scheme has no stimulating effect for employees in the sector. The main support mechanisms – scheme “producer groups” and “operating programs” so far not been effective. There are difficulties of objective and subjective nature hindrance to association of manufacturers engaged in the sector. Insignificant part of the measures envisaged in the RDP is used by vegetable farmers. There is no role for government to stimulate the production of Bulgarian vegetables and fruits. Our country has more than ten years has become a net importer of vegetables.
Ключови думи: operational programs; quality vegetables; vegetable; yields
Дата на публикуване: 2018-04-02
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