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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Poultry Breeding before and after Bulgarias Accession to the EU
Резюме: In this paper an attempt is made to assess the state of poultry breeding before and after of Bulgaria’s accession to the EU and to put accents on the problems and opportunities of its further development. The assessment of the status and development of the sector is made based on an analysis of dynamics: the number of livestock, output, imports and exports and the development of business entities in the sector. A critical review of national and EU CAP support for poultry production in Bulgaria is made and options for future development of the sector in terms of the reformed CAP are outlined. With the accession of Bulgaria to the EU new factors that the sub-sector must comply appear – opportunity to access European market, elimination of customs barriers, and protection from competition in trade with third countries, specific requirements for food safety, quality products, environmental protection, and animal welfare. Some of these factors positively influence the poultry production’ development, others set specific requirements to comply with. The state of poultry breeding and its ability of reproducing is an indicator of its readiness to meet the new requirements and to adapt to the new conditions. In comparison with other species reduction in the number of birds and egg production is less, due to the retention of the industrial nature of the production in poultry farming. CAP does not provide direct payments to poultry sub-sector - only regulation of the market of poultry meat and eggs with third countries (outside the EU). The main element of the CAP with respect to poultry appears marketing quality standards.
The goal is to support the competitiveness and promote specialization in the sector, which in turn leads to an increase in the income of those employed in this sector, while improve product quality. CAP indirectly will help those poultry producers who have mixed activities – raising birds and cultivate farm lands. Unfortunately, this support will be felt more tangibly only for 3.2% of the farms that hold approximately one fifth of the production in the sector. Positive impact on the sector is also provided by the common organization of the market in poultry meat and eggs - duty on imports from third countries and export subsidies on exports. Bulgaria’s accession to the EU has opened opportunities not only to increase the imports of poultry, but also to increase exports of these products - opened new markets. In accordance with paragraph 51 of the Community guidelines on state aid in the agriculture and forestry from 2007 to 2013, to support farmers to implement voluntary commitments to animal welfare, in poultry production sector is taken the initiative to offer supportmeasures. The assistance to be provided to poultry farmers who commit themselves to one or more of the measures for a period of at least five years and meet certain conditions. The duration of the aid scheme is to 31.12.2013. It can be concluded that in the last seven years (after accession to the EU) the poultry sector in Bulgaria is relatively stable in a relatively low base. Poultry, however, has the potential to increase production. The development of the poultry industry and in particular the laying direction in the coming years will be determined by the requirements of European legislation on rearing hens. In this regard, it is expected a decrease of farms by about 6% and gradually stabilize their number by the end of 2014; is expected to increase the total number of birds by 20% more than in year 2010. Given the state of the sector and the impact of all factors and trends to increase the purchasing power of the population, existing unused production capacity and expected growth in consumption of eggs and poultry in the world, in the EU and in Bulgaria, it is possible poultry output growth in the country. In Bulgaria poultry production with priority development will continue to be raising chickens for eggs, intensive fattening of broilers and production of quality fattened liver.
Ключови думи: CAP; future development possibilities; national agricultural policy; poultry breeding; poultry farms; poultry meet and egg production; support measures
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-27
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