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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Farms Insurance - Important Factor for the Risk Management in the Sector
Резюме: On the base of some theoretical formulations, related to the risk management in agriculture has been examined the importance of insurance as indispensable part of different risks in the sector, predominantly the natural disasters. Assessment has been made of insurance activity and of agricultural insurance market development, before and after EU membership of Bulgaria. Different risks as insurance objects were analyzed, separately for crops and animals. The analysis includes 10 insurance companies. In the paper have been presented also the results from the wide survey made at the end of 2011 from IAE with the support of NAAS (National Agricultural Advisory Service). This survey includes 232 farms, distributed uniformly on the six planning regions in the country. The excerpt represents 0.4% from the registered farms and 0.06% of all farms. The methods of comparative and descriptive analysis and the probability statistical modelling have been used (Probit and Logit models). The impact degree on the farmers’ insurance activity level is fixed of the following factors: UAA size, amount of received CAP subsidies, age of the farm manager and timely receiving of agro-meteorological information.
The obtained results give base for conclusions for the state of insurance activity of the sector. Taking in consideration the experience of some countries and the set EC measures for the new program period 2014-2020, propositions have been made, related to the insurance model improvement in Bulgaria.
Ключови думи: farms; Insurance; Insurance market; Risk Management
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-20
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