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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Status and problems of the plum production in the uplands of Bulgaria
V. Valerieva - Nechova
Резюме: Present article purpose revealing the tendencies’ to development at the plum production in uplands, factors not motivation in investors and expectation effectivity at different version. The researches sitis in two farms whit different statute, capital resourse, production direction. For this purpose use different methods of capital budgetary, discountion cash flow, net present value, at different technologys (conventional, ecospere, intersive ecospere and bio), at different technological version according to density of the perennial plants, a method of supporting on surface to soil (black fallow land and gressed between the rows) and other additional technological initiatives. Development expectation versions of economic affectivity investing to different combination of main determination him factors – productions, prices, taxes, running and investment subsidy by EU CAP and other. In result of the research arrive at a conclusion that economics problems not motivation investors even at running subsidy by EU CAP and spare a policy of taxation. Needed new national correctives for volteface the present economic environment and the motivation investors.
Ключови думи: capital intensity; economic efficiency; EU CAP; market economy; plum production
Дата на публикуване: 2018-02-21
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