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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Evaluation of the influence of six types rootstocks, tested in three varieties on key economic indicators for the production of cherries
V. Manolova, K. Kolev
Резюме: There has been a permanently rising interest in growing cherry crop in Bulgaria. In recent years, larger plantations with higher intensification of the production process have been created. These are possible because farmers apply advanced technology solutions. The main method for the intensification is the use of dwarfing rootstocks, allowing fruit trees to be planted more densely and yields to be increased. This article examines the impact of six rootstocks tested in three varieties cherries on key economic indicators and recommends the most effective of Bulgarian producers. The study is based on experience derived in the Fruit Growing Institute - Plovdiv during the period 2004-2010, with three varieties – B. Burlat, Regina and Bing grafted on six rootstocks: Prunus Mahaleb, Prunus Avium, Gisela 5, GM 61/1 (Damil), GM 79 (Camille), GM 9 (Inmil) at planting distances 6.0 x 4.0 m for seedling rootstocks and 5.0 x 3.0 m for vegetative rootstocks. Indicators were analyzed: yields per tree (kg), average yield (kg/ha), weight of fruit (g) and economic indicators: total production (BGN/ha), net income (BGN/ha), prime cost (BGN/kg), rate of profit (%) and payback period. Gisela 5 stood out as the most cost-effective rootstock. Gisela 5 grafted with variety of Bing received the highest economic indicators: net income of 50.20% higher than the second most efficient vegetative rootstock Damil, prime cost of fruit with 8.33% cheaper than the production of Damil, rate of profit with 19.78% higher and payback of capital investments of 0.5 year faster then Damil. Rootstock Gisela 5 requires maintenance of high farming practices in the gardens. If the producer can not provide quality output of agriculture activities, the creation of highly intensive plantation on Gisela 5 will be a risky investment. P. Mahaleb is the seedling rootstock with the highest economic performance compared with the other studied seedling rootstock P. Avium. The net income for rootstock P. Mahaleb, when tested with a variety Bing is 88.51% higher than the one obtained for P. Avium. The prime cost of cherries is 16.67% lower compared to P. Avium. The rate of profit is 53.49% higher and the investment is redeemed 2.5 years earlier. The rootstock Inmil (GM 9) shows the worst economic performance. When grown with the varieties B. Burlat and Bing, rootstock Inmil (GM 9) was economically inefficient and not recommended.
Ключови думи: cherry production; cost effectiveness; intensification; rootstocks
Дата на публикуване: 2018-02-21
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