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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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The economic effectivity and the capital intensity at fruit-bearing perennial plants
V. Valerieva-Nechova
Резюме: The article cover the problems at cultivation on stowberry, raspberry, blackberry and plum in uplands of the country and perspective for them development. Of research farms with different statute and capital recourse, exercises four different technology’s at cultivation. Of the study is clearly that the problems with utmost for the future development at fruit-growing in the country closely connected with capital intensity, labout-consumption, risky character at the investment and economic effectiveness definitely by index of profitability and average annual rate of returns. Development versions in different valuation of risky and influense of the main factors of effectivity (prises, taxes, casualties of natural calamity, running subsidy by EU CAP). Doing gradation intensity of the factors on index of profitability and spring from hem prioritys of the nation politics. Of basis average annual rate of returns making conclusions about investor’s interest at all technologies of production. The research feature is presentation in comparative pain the capital intensity, the riskys and economic effectivity at stowberry, raspberry, blackberry and plum cultivation in uplands of the country. Researched 27 objects location in region Momtana and Lovech. Execution two main technologys-bio and conventional, and at plum - ecospere and intersive ecospere. Development 10 technological versions in depending on density and supporting at soil surface. Inclusion in this research sorts are 14 total. Created alternative versions of effectivity at different valuation of risk and combination of the factors. Using comperative method, account-constructive method, the method of capital budgetary, discountry cach flow, net present value and index of profitability. The indicators determining comparative effectivity are rate of profitability of basis production expeses and average annual rate of returns on capital. Assignments result from the research and selected methods and indicators – revealing the capital intensity; base right indicators for comparable affectivity and alternative criterion for making conclusions for perspective at the cultures, the technologys, the technological versions and sorts. Developing two extreme versions on effectivity invest. On benchmark of different aspect for risk, the best and the worst combination of main factors determining effectivity invest. Development recommendation for investors and the politics for upsurge the future development at fruit-grouing in the country.
Ключови думи: effectivity; fruit-growing; investment
Дата на публикуване: 2018-03-12
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