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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Some Aspects of the Marketing of Organic Products in the Context of Sustainable Functioning of the Food Chain
Dilyana Mitova
Резюме: The purpose of this article is to analyze and highlight some key features and characteristics of the market for organic products, mostly related to the role of consumers (potential and actual consumers, awareness and motivation of consumers, the ability to attract new consumers and increase consumer target groups, etc.). The study aims to make some conclusions about consumer needs for safe, healthy, high-quality and affordable food, the extent to which the sector meet customer requirements, while considering the effects of behavior in consumption of foodstuffs on human health, the environment and the ecosystem. The object of the study is part of the food chain, namely the food chain of organic products, and in particular their realization and consuming. The logic of the market for organic products is largely determined by consumer demand and the extent to which the sector of organic production meets consumer requirements. Therefore, the method used is poll consumers of organic products, as well as a comparative analysis of prices of organic products at home and abroad. The approach used is based on tracking and comparison of prices of organic products in Bulgaria and some other countries, as well as compare the prices of organic products and their conventional counterparts. Certain characteristics (prices, consumption) in different stages of the food chain are identified. The survey results provide information on identifying reasons and factors for the current condition of some segments of the sector of organic farming and in particular the ways of realization of organic products; motives of consumers of organic products, the attitude of Bulgarian consumers to organic products and the reasons for this; disclosure of relationships in different phases of bio-food chain and on this basis to identify recommendations and options for the development of this sector.
Ключови думи: consumer demand; consumer motivation; organic farming; organic food; prices; sustainable functioning
Дата на публикуване: 2018-06-18
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