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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Economic Estimation of Fertilizer Systems at Different Levels of Production Intensification
Lyudmila Konovalova, Vladimir Okorkov, Leonid Ilyin
Резюме: The objectives of this research were: a) to conduct the production and economic estimation of various fertilizer
systems in the field crop rotation, considering production intensification levels and to choose rational fertilizer
systems, which provide the increase of output volumes, improving of product’s quality, producers’ profitability,
needed for implementation of expanded reproduction, and ecological safe; b) the formulation of the advices
to agricultural producers on increasing economic efficiency of the field crops.
The main source of information was the results of the experimental investigations, carried off by the Department
of Agrochemistry and Ecology of Verkhnevolzhsky Federal Agrarian Research Centre (Russia) in the
field crop rotation. The base results: on the grey forest soils there was a trend of the reduction, in principle, of
the economic efficiency of crop production technologies with increasing doses of mineral and organic fertilizers;
the only exception is potato, in the cultivation of which the cost recovery steadily increased with increasing
doses of fertilizers. We think at medium prospect, under the conditions of Verkhnevolzh region (Russia), the
normal level of agricultural technologies in the production of grain crops is the most rational, for potato it is better
to use intensive one. Fertilizer systems with mineral nitrogen (mineral and organic-mineral systems) contributed
to the formation of grain with a higher content of crude protein. The useful of intensive technologies in
the plant production is impossible without further development of the state support system for agricultural producers
and the creation of processing facilities “in places”.
Ключови думи: Agrotechnology Management; Ecological-Economic Efficiency; Fertilizer System; Level of Intensification; Production Efficiency; Quality of Grain
Дата на публикуване: 2020-06-04
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