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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
Array ( [session_started] => 1719992136 [LANGUAGE] => BG [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 [PAGE_ID] => 143 )


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Problems of Young Farmers with Access to Agricultural Land in Bulgaria and Investment Problems Activity in Land Resources
Minka Anastasova-Chopeva
Резюме: The problems associated with the opportunities for young farmers to have sufficient access to agricultural land and investment in land resources are particularly relevant. Farming investment in recent years has been access to it. On the one hand, they are generated by the nature of this fixed capital fund as an irreplaceable and limited natural resource. On the other hand, the appetite for agricultural land is further enhanced by the current system of European subsidies, which provides large companies and investors with significant revenues because of the huge agricultural holdings they have.
Young farmers, in comparison with other producers, have greater difficulties in accessing agricultural land,mainly due to their lower available financial resources and the lack of preferential conditions for the use of investment
loans intended for young farmers. During the years of the second programming period 2014–2020, certain changes in the investment priorities of farmers are observed. Although the priority of investment is in machinery, plant and equipment remains, it is increasingly weakening at the expense of increasing investment interest in land and permanent crops. According to the potential attitudes of farmers, investment in agricultural land will play a leading role in other types of agricultural investment.
The purpose of the article is to reveal the main problems of young farmers related to access to agricultural land and the level of investment activity in land resources.
Ключови думи: agricultural land; investment; restricted access; young farmers
Дата на публикуване: 2020-08-27
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