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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Regional Differences and Impact of Agriculture in Rural AREAS
Julia Doitchinova, Zornitsa Stoyanova
Резюме: The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the importance and impact of agriculture on rural development. The changes in agriculture and their effects on the socio-economic and environmental characteristics of rural areas are the subject of the study. The object is impact of agriculture within the territory
of 13 districts of the country (NUTS3). The survey is based on statistical information and expert evaluation of specialists in agriculture and territorial development in three planning regions (2019).
The results presented in the publication are part of the project № 15/8 of 2017 “Sustainable multifunctional Rural Areas: Rethinking Agricultural Models and Systems in the face of increased requirements and scarce resources”, funded by the Scientific Research Fund.
Ключови думи: impact of agriculture; rural areas; structural changes
Дата на публикуване: 2021-01-04
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