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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Potential Risks of Production Contamination in Urban Agriculture
Milena Yordanova, Vera Petrova, Tsvetelina Nikolova, Elena Tsvetkova
Резюме: The migration of people from small settlements to the large cities is a lasting trend because of most of the opportunities they offer. The increase in population leads both to redevelopment and reduction of arable land, and to an increase in the city’s food needs. These trends again put forward the theme of urban agriculture. Through it, the satisfaction of the population with food can be achieved within the city, as much of the green spaces in and around it become a source of fresh food.
But urban agriculture also carries risks. They come from heavily polluted air, especially in big cities or places with heavy traffic. Contamination of production can also occur from other sources, especially in areas close to industrial areas, as well as from places with heavy traffic. Vegetable crops, which are usually grown in this agriculture, can accumulate heavy metals, and consuming them fresh can contribute to deteriorating human health.
The aim of the article is to consider some potential risks of contamination of urban agricultural products.
Ключови думи: air pollution; heavy metals; soil pollution; urban agriculture
Дата на публикуване: 2021-01-04
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