State of the circular Bioeconomy in Bulgaria
Anton Mitov
Резюме: The Bioeconomy concept uses as a starting point the natural cycles of materials and covers all sectors of the economy that produce, work and process, use and trade renewable resources such as plants, animals, microorganisms, and their derivatives. The accepted definition is that “The Bioeconomy covers the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, biological products and bioenergy”. It includes the sectors of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food production and pulp and paper, as well as and parts of the chemical, biotechnological and energy industries. The purpose of the study is to assess the state of the circular Bioeconomy in the country and outline guidelines for developing its potential.
Ключови думи: Bioeconomy; Bioeconomy indicators; circular economy
Цитиране: Mitov, A. (2024). State of the circular Bioeconomy in Bulgaria. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management, 69(1), 58-71 (Bg).
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-03-29
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