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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Vegetable Growing in Bulgaria Condition and Problems
Резюме: The results of the achieved study point out that since the beginning of the 90 years of the past century the vegetable ¦ growing and potatoes production are in crisis. The sector is featured with firm tendencies of area and production decrease, quality worsening and a tide of producers. The huge, specialized vegetable ¦ growing converts into multi assortment, low productive, small and uncertain activity. Bulgaria lost its strong positions of a traditional producer and exporter of vegetables. The main causes for the negative trends are the lack of resultoriented agricultural policy during the pre accession period, support and stimulus for the sector’s development. The prevailing small production, the low technical and technological level of development, vertical and horizontal integration, the insufficient grade of producer’s association will create new problems for the agricultural farms with the application of the regulation mechanisms and measures of CAP of the EC and will limit the sector’s support. The assessment of CAP of EC shows that the level and the directions of support are not sufficient for overcoming of the unfavorable tendencies in the vegetable-growing. An active agrarian policy and serious state support are required for acceleration of the processes of adaptation to the European exigencies and standards, for the creation of a favorable economic environment for strengthening of the agricultural farms and their conversions in vital, market oriented economic units, for the potential achievement of the country’s capacity of building up a sustainable, competitive and exportation oriented sector.
Ключови думи: agrarian policy; agricultural farms; CAP; common market organization; potatoes production; vegetable-growing
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-03
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