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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Management and Economic Effects from Contract Arrangements in the Agrarian Sector
Резюме: Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union and the following changes in different economic sectors has questioned adequacy and competence of the functioning institutions. Market instability and imperfection, lapses in legislative frame and corruption have negative impact for long-term period, which has affected state and development of agrarian sector. The present paper is aimed at examining the influence of the factors of the institutional environment over contracts and efficiency of economic organizations. The following tasks have been performed in order to achieve the formulated aim:
• X- Efficiency analysis of management efficiency in economic organizations;
• Analysis of relation between property rights and contracts. The used methods include: systematic approach and analysis; analysis of legislative and accounting records, inquiry.
Ключови думи: formal groups; informal groups; institutional arrangements; X- Efficiency
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-04
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