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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Bulgarian Agriculture Present Situation and Expected Changes under the CAPs Impact
Резюме: In the article is made an assessment of the development of agriculture until and after Bulgaria’s accession to the EC. A decrease of the Gross Product and the Gross Added Value is determined, creation of a one-sided product structure with an increasing share of grain and sunflower, while the production of tobacco, fruits and vegetables for which the country has certain comparative advantages, traditions and gained positions decrease. It is proved that the reason for the continuing drop is the lack of adequate agrarian policy, which instead of supporting the agriculture during the period 1990-2002 takes away a considerable share of the producers’ income, reaching 75% for some of the years and products. The insufficient financial resource delayed the restructuring and modernization of the sector and placed it in an unfavourable position for its integration to the EC. Based on a survey study among leading agrarian specialists is investigated the impact of the CAP upon the strong and weak sides, the possibilities and threads for the future development of the Bulgarian agriculture. The general conclusion is that with the continuing production drop, the advantages and strong sides of the sector, as natural conditions, traditions, experience, huge European market continue their transformation into not realized potential advantages. The weak sides as low labor productivity, destroyed hydro land reclamation installations, not sufficient irrigation areas, outflow of experienced labor force in agriculture because of aging, become even more significant and equalize with the advantages. An absolute equilibrium has been reached between the possibilities and threads 50:50. The main conclusion is that it is not relevant for Bulgaria’s conditions to continue with the support of the agricultural producers after 2013 only with the direct payments scheme. The laid down aims in the CAP of the EC for supporting the incomes of the small and average farmers, their keeping in the settled places in the different geographic regions of the country are not achieved. Biggest is the support granted to the huge land tenants and owners in the plain regions of Bulgaria.
Ключови думи: agriculture; CAP; output; production
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-04
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