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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Marketing Adaptation Strategies for Semi-subsistence Dairy Farms
Резюме: Farmers in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), especially semi-subsistence farms (SSFs) must take several decisions related to their income. Often they are not viable from an economic point of view, but continue to exist. The reasons for their persistence can be taken that these farms play an important role for rural households in terms of providing food and shelter during economi crises during the transition from central to market economy. Continuing debate on what may turn the SSFs in profitable marketing oriented holdings. The aim of this paper to examine the status and prospects of semi-subsistence farms with dairy cattle-oriented in terms of their marketing strategy for adaptation. Data is based on a survey carried out within the project “Socioeconomic sustainability of semi-subsistence farms”, at the Institute of Agricultural Economics (IAE). An economic analysis of farms in terms of their ability to transform into market holdings as follows indicators: number of cows milk yield average, average purchase price of milk, labor productivity, variable costs, gross margin and profit.
Ключови думи: cost efficiency; gross margin; market diversification; semisubsistence farms
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-05
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