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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Situation and Tendencies in Small-fruit Production in the world and in Bulgaria
Резюме: Object of the study are the changes in the small berries production in the world and in Bulgaria. Strawberry, raspberry and black currant world production continuously increases while in Bulgaria the tendency is vice versa. It is interesting to pointout that the strawberry production in America (1 076 216 t in 1999 and 1 473 143 t in 2007) goes up more rapidly than in Europe (1 413 060 t in 1999 and 1 460 979 t in 2007). Raspberry production rises too (from 396 631 t in 1999 to 507 653 t in 2007). The production is concentrated mainly in Europe (399 666 t). Black currant production shows a positive trend. Europe is the most significant producer with share of 98 % of the world production. In Bulgaria, although the areas planted with small berry crops recently have increased, small fruit production keeps low levels and is unstable. The main reasons for the low yields are the low levels of innovations in agriculture, ineffective production organization, lack of subsidies, insufficient financing in the sector, etc.
Ключови думи: black currant; fruit production; raspberry; strawberry
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-05
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