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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Organic Farming - a Reasonable and Viable Option for Agriculture
Резюме: The aim of this paper is to follow the situation in organic farming (OF) in the country by 2008, against the background of trends in global and European OF. To justify
the need to support OF in the country, the author focuses on its advantages as an agricultural system and philosophy. OF is seen as a production system that protects soils, ecosystems and human health, based on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles in periods of development of different crops and is suited to local conditions of each country, thus avoid adverse impacts on nature in traditional agriculture. Organic farming is a combination of tradition, innovation and research, through which supports the protection of the environment, promotes good partnership and good quality of life for all who participate in this process. In recent decades, organic farming has experienced rapid growth. Constantly grows (absolute and relative) areas occupied by organic crops, increasing the number of organic operators. Market grows, the range of organic produce diversifies, turnover of organic products increases. State support is important for the development of organic farming because of difficulties during the transitional period, the provision of public environmental benefits and less developed country market. It is difficult to assess the potential of the applied policies and measures in the absence of statistical information on organic production, organic market, including data flows and the trading prices and price transparency in the chain. However, the branch of the Bulgarian organic producers believe that despite the opportunities for stimulating organic farmers through payments and subsidies, promotion of organic production in Bulgaria is scarce. Organic production in Bulgaria is in early stages of its development, but potential opportunities for it are very high. Expectations despite the crisis are investing in organic production to grow; an incentive for this will be rapidly growing consumer demand caused by the growing interest of society to a healthy lifestyle, developing the green economy and the environment. In Bulgaria at the moment there is not an adequate state structure to respond to the problems of OF. This picture, by itself, is something that does not comply with the EU CAP. It is necessary to achieve the stated priority of the policy in favor of organic farming.
Ключови думи: benefits; consumer demand; growth; organic farming; policy support
Дата на публикуване: 2024-09-05
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