[session_started] => 1733247657
The Socio-Economic Challenges of PDO/PGI Registration in Bulgaria
Yanka Kazakova
Abstract: The food quality schemes such as protected designation of origin and protected geographic indication (PDO/PGI) were first introduced in 1992. By May 2016, there are 1480 entries in the EU DOOR register. The majority of them are from the Mediterranean countries and some from the new member-states which are also advancing quickly. The richness of Bulgarian traditional food is underrepresented by only six official registrations. At the same time, there are around 50 entries from Bulgaria in the Slow Food’s Ark of Taste initiative for endangered quality food products. The study objective is to explore the socio-economic challenges for registering products under the EU food quality schemes for Bulgarian agricultural producers based on the example of Kurtovo Konare area. It has two Ark of Taste products and is registering a PDO product. The methodology used is a combination of structured questionnaires to collect quantitative data for the key socio-economic characteristics of farmers and direct indepth interviews for qualitative information about their motivation and expectations. The results reveal that the producer group is comprised of small-scale registered farmers, who are not applying for CAP subsidies. More than half of their production is aimed for the market, mostly as fresh produce; but they also diversify into processing. The main challenges for registering a PDO product relate to the small scale of production; the strict registration procedure in terms of product and area studies and specification; the need for external expertise to support them; as well as the need for funding all the associated costs.
Keywords: geographic indication; PDO/PGI; producer group
Date published: 2018-01-31
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