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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Employment and Unemployment Dynamics in the Villages of Bulgaria in the Last 15 Years
Minka Anastasova-Chopeva
Abstract: Employment and economic activity are one of the main factors for the labor and social status, the level of income and the welfare of the rural population. Taking into account the negative demographic processes, the article assesses the labor force situation in the villages. Depending on basic socio-demographic indicators, the changes in the employment and unemployment of the rural population during the period 2003–2016 were examined. The role of the Lifelong Learning Program for the better realization of the labor market in the villages and the participation of the rural population in the different forms of education and training is revealed. The trends and factors in the change in the level of unemployment in the villages are examined. The methods of comparative and dynamic analysis, statistical groups and the method of variation analysis are applied. Data from officially published NSI publications, some results from nationally representative empirical studies conducted by the IAE, as well as information from officially published reports from the National Agricultural Advisory Service (NAAS) are used. There are several of conclusions about the problems of employment in the villages. There are fluctuating trends in the development of employment in almost all age groups. Persons with higher and secondary education have higher chances for successful labor realization in the villages. Employment in the agricultural sector and related activities are retaining the main area of labour application. The process of diversifying economic activities in the villages and thus diversifying employment has so far been at a slow pace. The inclusion of rural population in the processes of acquisition of knowledge and skills through the different forms of the Lifelong Learning Programme is not enough. Relevant to the increase in employment there is a decrease in unemployment rate. It is necessary to develop adequate initiatives related to the inclusion of the rural population in appropriate forms of education to increase their educational and qualification level.
Keywords: employment; level of education and training; lifelong learning; rural population; unemployment rate
Date published: 2019-02-28
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