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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Organic farming in the context of agro-ecosystem services management
Dilyana Mitova
Abstract: Agroecosystem services is a concept that is increasingly used both in science and in practice in Europe and the rest of the world, while in our country research related to agro-ecosystem services, with their analysis and management is still “nascent”. The management of agri-environmental services is a complex and multi-layered process in which an important role is assigned to a number of factors, one of which is organic farming.
The aim of the study is in the context of some theoretical and methodological issues of agro-ecosystem services, tracing the relationship between ecology and agriculture, as well as some features of management and analysis of ecosystem services in agricul-ture, to emphasize the role of organic farming as a form of management of agro-ecosys-tem services, representing a systematic approach to agriculture, aimed at reducing
pollution of agricultural areas, strengthening sustainability, increasing efficiency and profitability, preservingthe environment and human and animal health.
Keywords: agri-environmental systems; agriculture; management; organic farming; services
Date published: 2021-06-25
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