Methodological approach for assessing new incentives for soil health business models in EU
Dimitre Nikolov, Ivan Boevsky, Martin Banov, Ekatherina Tzvetanova, Krasimir Kostenarov, Kristina Todorova
Abstract: Soil health business models can lead to the maintenance of sustainable and competitive agriculture. The agricultural policy in the EU pursues different incentives to encourage adoption of environmentally oriented practices. Investments in soil health can lead to significant benefits not only for the environment but for society as well. The aim of this paper is to present the methodological approach for assessing new incentives for soil health business models in the frame of the NOVASOIL project. The goal is to investigate the opportunities and gaps of new incentives for redirection of financial streams and policy support measures for provision of innovative soil health technologies. The methodology includes two phases. The first one comprises of targeting new incentives for soil health and then identifying the corresponding gaps and opportunities. The second one continues the analysis with assessing the selected incentives with the BOCR-ANP model.
Keywords: BOCR-ANP model; business models; soil health
Citation: Nikolov, D., Boevsky, I., Banov, M., Tzvetanova, E., Kostenarov, Kr., Todorova, Kr. (2024).Methodological approach for assessing new incentives for soil health business models in EU. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Management, 69(2), 21-29.
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| Date published: 2024-06-28
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