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Agricultural Economics and Management Journal   ISSN 0205-3845
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Analysis of Sources of Households Income of Rural Communities in the Stara Zagora Region
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the structure of the sources of household income from settlements in Stara Zagora, on this basis to derive trends, to identify features in the structure of sources of income as a factor for socio-economic development. Indicators of sources of income are defined according to methodology of the study of household budgets and include income of the population from: wages, pensions, social aids, production for own consumption, retail production for the market, business, rent, property and others. From the information obtained the main economic activities of a greatest importance for the formation of sources of income in the surveyed cities have been identified. Analysis of the results derived pensions as a first important source of income and additional income is formed mainly by revenues from the lease of property. A strong dependence of population on social transfers has been observed, while income from wages have little role in the formation of total income in the surveyed municipalities. As key factors for these trends we could indicate high proportion of economically active population and low employment. The results obtained from the study indicate the crucial role of farming in the area, followed by forestry activities and trade.
Keywords: economic activities; household income; rural areas; sourses of income
Date published: 2024-09-05
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